Piotr Matuszewski


Piotr Matuszewski
tel. +48 (24) 356 30 25 ext. 1
mob. 502 143 143

Dariusz Frątczak


Dariusz Frątczak
tel. +48 (24) 356 30 25 ext. 1
mob. 500 311 643


Guitar Accessories

Every guitarist, regardless of his skills and experience, needs not only a guitar, but also guitar accessories. They have different uses – some make it easier to play, others make it easier to learn, others are even necessary to achieve specific effects. In our offer we have collected guitar accessories that are useful for beginners and advanced guitarists, people who play classical, acoustic, electric or bass guitar.

Guitar accessories for beginner guitarists and more

People who are beginning to learn to play the guitar should reach for manuals from which they will learn basic techniques and gain knowledge about this wonderful instrument. The beginning of learning for every guitarist goes a little differently – many people rely on such guitar accessories as a guitar tuner. Learning to tune the guitar should be a fundamental part of learning to play the guitar. Learning about clean sounds, tuning in different ranges with a tuner will be easier.

Other guitar accessories

Among the guitar accessories in our offer are guitar picks – plectrums, usually made of nylon, are used both for playing with guitar chords and single notes. They are indispensable when playing electric or bass, but also invaluable when playing unplugged. Nylon picks vary in hardness, so we have prepared a set of picks so that the guitarist can test different types of these guitar accessories.

In addition, you will order from us a comfortable and practical guitar strap, which will allow you to keep your instrument at the right height and in the right position, and for ease of playing we have sewn into it pockets for the picks, which will always be at hand.

The capodaster allows you to raise your guitar's tuning for one or more songs without having to tune your guitar. You will also purchase strings and various types of cables and adapters from us.

Take a look at our range of guitar accessories – complete the accessories you need to play at Music Express!